Tips To Protect Your Dog In The Summer

Tips To Protect Your Dog In The Summer

german-shepherd-232393_960_720The warm weather is finally here and everyone is eager to get outside into the sunshine with friends and family.  For many of us, “family” includes our dogs, but the summer months can be dangerous for them.  As the summer heat and humidity continues to rise, it’s important to understand how pets are affected by it. Follow these tips to take the necessary precautions to keep them cool.

  • Never leave your dog in a parked car – You would never leave your children in the car on a hot day, so why leave your dog?  Temperatures inside a vehicle can rise rapidly to dangerous levels, causing heat stroke.
  • Make sure your dog has unlimited access to cold, fresh water – Dogs don’t have many sweat glands to allow them to cool off, so they lose heat and moisture from their tongues by panting. Put out multiple bowls of water when leaving the house and add ice cubes to keep the water cooler, longer.
  • Make sure your dog has access to shade when outside – Tree shade and tarps are ideal because they don’t obstruct air flow.
  • Help your dog cool off with a children’s pool – Fill it with just a few inches of water and place it in a shady location.  On hotter days, refill the pool or add ice cubes to cool it down.
  • Practice water safety – Although it’s fun to bring your dog to the beach or by the pool, always keep a close eye on your pet when they’re in or near the water.  If you plan on bringing your dog on a boat or kayaking, think about investing in a dog life preserver.
  • When walking, stay off of hot surfaces – Asphalt and decks can burn your dog’s paws just like it does to your feet.  Try to walk your dog during the cooler hours of the day (morning and evening) or in parks so your dog can walk on the grass.
  • Consider trimming your dog’s fur – This will allow them to stay cool in the summer heat. Remember, if you do trim your dog’s fur, they may need to use sunblock to protect their skin.
  • Use appropriate insect protection – Avoid ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and flies during the summer months with the correct medications. Also use a canine ear-drying solution to fight potential swimmers ear.

Dogs are very protective of their owners, so why not return the favor and protect them from the dangers of the summer heat.  As long as you take precautions to protect your pet in the summer heat, you can both enjoy all that summer has to offer.

As a fun summer activity for your dog, sign them up for obedience classes! See our schedule here or call Ida at 1-617-296-1711.


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